I'm having a real fun and astonishment time!!! Coming to a city, try to understand his dynamics, his systems, his weather is a real excitement experience. I would like to be here for a long time.
I got lost today in the streets of this city. I tried to find a way, i tried to be available to look for myself. The language is improving in spite of I don't have a class yet, and that I spoke a lot of time with a Mexican boy. the school was deceiving because there are a lot of teenagers who speak french, chinese, spanish or whatever language in the world: except English.
I shared a light moments with a Peruvian and a South Korean girl. We walked through a walk way for almost one and a half hour, the Washington memorial, the churches, Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks, lakes, busses stop, in the cementery. Now I can hold some conversations with the Bostonian people: in the bus, in the park, asking for information, going in a cab to arrive early to class. In fact, I´m going to sleep now 'cause tomorrow I have an early class and I should wake up almost at 6:30.
Tomorrow I'll be in a tour for Bostonian architecture. I hope it will be in Fenway. Yes, I know there are another better places here (in the architect topic), but i want to walk by Fenway and take a picture of mine in front of the Fenway park.
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